Boss Drovers
A Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Touring Exhibition
John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery
19 January – 2 March 2019
A touring exhibition of works by Robert MacPherson, one of Australia’s most highly regarded contemporary artists. The exhibition comprises approximately 200 drawings from the complete set of 2400 portraits that make up his largest ever work, Boss Drovers. Viewers will be encouraged to see this work as MacPherson’s lament for the disappearance of the specialised knowledge, language and history that these working people of the land carried with them. The immense ambition and scope of the project represents 20 years of thought and deliberation by the artist and reflects Australia’s diversity, history and complexity.
Works will be accompanied by a tailor-made digital interactive titled Drove Muster to encourage audience participation and engagement with the artist’s concepts and content. Visitors will be able to discover more about the ‘Boss Drover’ men and women by creating their own drover character using a selection of facial features and accessories drawn from Robert MacPherson’s major work, now in the QAGOMA Collection.
The John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery is proudly sponsored by
Murilla Hardware Supplies

Image Credit:
Macpherson Robert / Australia B.1937 / 1000 Frog Poems: 1000 Boss Drovers (‘Yellow Leaf Falling’) For H.S. (No. 1913) 1996 – 2014 / Graphite, ink and stain on paper / Purchased 2014 with funds from the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation, Paul and Susan Taylor, and Donald and Christine McDonald / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery

On the Curved Wall
Mulga Bill’s Bicycle
Darling Downs Textile Art Group
Participating Artists: Gillian Knott, Sue Schmidt, Jenny Burgess, Sandra Tessmann, Noelle Hodges, Hilary Fogerty, Margie Creek, Elizabeth Schmidt, Robyn Anderson, Jan Scudamore and Kay Joyce
19 January – 2 March 2019
A collection of eleven panels created by members of the Darling Downs Textile Art Group illustrating Banjo Patterson’s famous verse Mulga Bill’s Bicycle.
Arranged in sequence, each panel brings a different set of lines to life, narrating through simple imagery to add momentum and dramatic effect. Using predominately textile fibre medium, various forms of fabric manipulation are showcased; including felting, fabric dyeing and painting, hand and machine embroidery, applique, fabric piecing, quilting, and drawing.
Artist’s creative design choices add individual flair to the collective effort, and draw attention to the diversity of techniques in textile art.

Image Credit:
Gillian Knott | Mulga Bill 2016 | Textiles | 80cm x 50cm
Photographer: Ann Alcock
Wanton, Wild & Unimagined
Alison McDonald
John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery
9 March – 27 April 2019
Wanton, Wild & Unimagined is a playful exhibition of sculptured recycled plastics that stirs the imagination and evokes environmental reflection.
By converting masses of everyday objects into visually aesthetic conceptual discoveries, McDonald’s artwork communicates the optimism in regenerating rubbish, whilst raising questions about the relationship we have with plastic and its supposed sustainability.
A travelling exhibition organised by Umbrella Studio contemporary arts, toured by Museums & Galleries Queensland. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia program; and supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, state and territory governments.
The John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery is proudly sponsored by
Murilla Hardware Supplies

Image Caption: Alison McDonald | Trickle 2013 | Individually hand cast & reduced recycled plastic lids & wire | 100cm x 60cm x 1cm
Image Credit: Alison McDonald
On the Curved Wall
Miles High Showcase 2019
Visual Arts Students Miles State High School
9 March – 30 April 2019
Talent from the Miles State High School on show.

Image: Moses Magri | Miles High School Showcase 2018
In a Certain Light
by Peta Crane
John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery
4 May – 24 June 2019
In a certain light is a collection of works in which Peta Crane shares the way she views her rural surrounds. In this collection Crane shares the intimate connection with her rural surroundings and the constant source of creative inspiration it provides her. From daydreaming to storytelling, she hopes to bring beauty, evoke a memory or share a feeling through her paintings and drawings. In a certain light is her lens.
The John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery is proudly sponsored by
Murilla Hardware Supplies
Murilla Room
For Artists | FREE
Spend a creative day with exhibiting artist Peta Crane. Learn about Peta’s art journey, her inspiration and practice. Bring your own art supplies and current project to work on in the company of fellow artists. Morning tea and lunch provided.
Bookings essential.

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Peta Crane | Crane dance 2018 | Acrylic on linen | 58cm x 39cm
Remembering Marie Makin
A retrospective of the work of Marie Makin
Curated by the Makin family
4 May – 24 June 2019
The Makin family have lovingly curated an exhibition of their late mother Marie’s work. This year marks the 35th anniversary since Marie’s passing and the exhibition brings together artwork from family and friends demonstrating a life full of passion for art.

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Marie Makin | Angophora costa | watercolour | 37cm x 28cm
Safe Space
Curated by Christine Morrow
John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery
29 June – 20 August 2019
Safe Space brings together three-dimensional art works by twelve contemporary Australian artists that explore psychological aspects of physical space. It features a range of figurative elements and narrative themes with social, and sometimes political, resonances. Many of the works in this exhibition take as their point of departure: the human body, its dimensions, the spaces it occupies, the narratives that contain it and the theatre or spectacle that unfolds around it.
Participating Artists: Abdul-Rahman Abdullah, Alex Seton, Claire Healy + Sean Cordeiro, David Cross, Franz Ehmann, Karla Dickens, Keg de Souza, Michelle Nikou, Rosie Miller, Tim Sterling, Will French.
Safe Space is an initiative of Museums & Galleries Queensland developed in partnership with Logan City Council through Logan Art Gallery, and curated by Christine Morrow. This travelling exhibition is supported by the Visions regional touring program, an Australian Government program aiming to improve access to cultural material for all Australians; the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland; the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory governments; and the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
The John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery is proudly sponsored by
Murilla Hardware Supplies

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Alex Seton, Someone Else’s Problem, 2015. Marble dust, epoxy resin, Tasmanian oak, cable ties. Dimensions variable (approximately 300 x 200 x 200 cm). Photography by Mark Pokorny. Image courtesy of the artist and sullivan+strumpf.
An exhibition of works by Penny Eamer
29 June – 20 August 2019
Recognition celebrates an artist’s subconscious recognition of design, composition, line & form, that often lie hidden within our everyday life.

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Penny Eamer | Iron lace 2018 | Watercolour and pen and ink on watercolour paper | 42cm x 56cm
A Naturalist’s Life: a response to the flora and fauna of the Western Downs
By Grace Lithgow and Karen Gaskell
John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery
24 August – 12 October 2019
A Naturalist’s Life showcases botanical drawings and hand painted ceramics from renowned Queensland naturalist and artist Grace Lithgow. The botanical drawings are a detailed record of the regions Acacia species and fascinating fungi to be found in the West – held in trust for the Western Downs community by the Lapunyah Art Gallery.
Hand painted ceramic collection will be on display by both Grace Lithgow and friend, Chinchilla Potter Karen Gaskell, illustrating the beauty of Chinchilla’s delicate wildlife, featuring both birds and flowers from the local area. Together they remind us of the beautiful and diverse natural treasure on our own doorstep.

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Grace Lithgow | Aseroe rubra 1998 | Pen, ink and watercolour on paper | 17.5cm x 26.5cm
Outback Connections | Artwork and wearable art created from natural materials
By Ruby Purple
Curved Wall
24 August – 12 October 2019
Outback Connections is a body of work created in response to Ruby Purple’s Artists Residency at Curtin Springs Station in the Central Australian Desert in the Northern Territory. Ruby designs and creates artworks from natural grasses, paper and found materials. She aims to bring awareness to the importance of preserving our natural world by capturing the fragility and strength of nature and it’s ever changing balance.

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Ruby Purple | The power of nature – spectacular landscapes 2019 | Native Kangaroo Grass, recycled and found materials, ink and charcoal | 45cm x 45cm
2019 Western Downs Regional Artists’ Exhibition | Inside Out
John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery
21 October – 10 December 2019
The John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery is proudly sponsored by
Murilla Hardware Supplies
This annual exhibition showcases the diverse talents of artists from the Western Downs and is collaboratively planned and presented by the major Galleries of the region. Inside out invites artists to reflect on their personal artist practice by looking ‘in’, to connect with their essence of creativity, and bringing ‘out’ to demonstrate through inspired work. The theme invites playful and divergent thinking and brings forth the unexpected. Curated by artist and educator Robert Natoli the exhibition is documented by a full colour professionally presented catalogue.

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Kardia Stokes | Australia Du schöne! 2019 | Photography on canvas | 51cm x 100cm
by Gail Kutasi and Penny Eamer
The Curved Wall
Offerings brings together a host of interesting small hand-crafted items created with flair and care. These tiny treasures are made from recycled materials and repurposed found objects and include fabric jewellery, small bags and art dolls.

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Gail Kutasi | Multi-coloured cowl 2017 | Yarns | diameter 100cm
by Kylie Bourne
John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery
14 December 2019 – 1 February 2020
The John Mullins Memorial Art Gallery is proudly sponsored by
Murilla Hardware Supplies
TRE360 is a much-anticipated major solo exhibition by acclaimed local mosaic artist Kylie Bourne, inspired by her home’s rambling gardens and studio nestled on the banks of the Dogwood Creek. Exploring the diverse and exquisite beauty of trees, the exhibition touches on many of nature’s themes; from the colours through the seasons; flowers and fruit; as well as the many creatures that inhabit the region. A skilled mosaicist, Bourne expresses her ‘tree-mania’ on a grand scale; creating mosaics and installations from glass, tile, mirror, precious tit-bits, enamel, and natural and repurposed elements. Complementing Bourne’s exhibition are the amazing natural tree stump sculptures of artist and friend Mark Duncan.

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Kylie Bourne | Bottle Brush White 2019 | 47.5cm x 46.5cm
Bit and Bobs
by Sophie Bourne
The Curved Wall
Bits and Bobs is a small collection of recent photographs from Sophie Bourne. The works explore a diverse mix of subjects, from animals, people, places, spaces, and nature. In typical teenage style; when Sophie isn’t Snapchatting, she is photo snapping on her phone or camera, capturing little bits that bob up around her in the moment.

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Sophie Bourne | Yumoo 2019 | Photography | 26cm x 31cm